
Archive for August, 2011

New fronts

I came downstairs from studying earlier when a thunderstorm just started to find Cooper sitting straight up on the sofa where I normally sit.  Now Cooper is NOT allowed on any furniture and he knows it.  Poor thing was shaking to pieces because of the storm.  I had to chuckle first at how proper he looked up on the sofa–of course I tried to calm him down after–but off of the sofa. 🙂

And, I think the thunderstorm killed my cell service.  It’s pretty lame actually.  I just got a text, but can’t respond.

So I’ve started back to school, and, it’s actually great!  I love my new classmates.  Everyone has been so nice and I love the girls I work with at Target.  I think Columbia is going to be good on that front…now if only we could find Nathan another job 🙂  But really, I’ve realized that actually living together, even without a job, is better than living in 2 separate cities.

So, that’s all for tonight.  I’m supposed to be studying while Nathan’s working at Lowes.  Keep us in your prayers, esp this week about Nathan’s job search.


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Just 1 night left

Tomorrow I start my P2 year. I have all kinds of mixed up feelings. I’m excited to get back in the grove of things and hopefully making new friends. But, then I’m dreading the way my life changes during the school year. I like having time to relax and not feel the need to study every free minute. I’m hoping this year will be different since I won’t be living alone. With Nathan here, I’m hoping to stay on a more structured study schedule so I don’t get so burn out–we’ll see how that actually goes though once the exams come rolling in. (Silver lining: I guess if I’m studying, I won’t be spending money?)

I guess, too, I’m fearful. Fearful that I won’t make friends, and that classes will be too demanding. Everyone says this year is the worst. :-/

But, I’ll soldier on. Nothing worth anything is easy right? So here’s to 1 more night of relaxing before it gets hectic again 🙂

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Home Owners :)

So finally, some long awaited house pics:

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It’s definitely an ongoing project.  Like I’ve gotten around to putting up a curtain in our room 🙂  Nathan made the wooden headboard on the brown bed, and he made the mason jar light at our front door.  We have one in the laundry room too.  We still have lots of projects we want to get done, so I’m hoping to get some good before & after pics.

Come see us–we have 2 spare rooms!  …well, not totally furnished.  But both at least have beds 🙂

We’re definitely still trying to figure out this home ownership thing.  We have a yard full of crab grass and apparently Columbia is too hot in the summer for crab grass killer.  Go figure.  I got locked out yesterday, and no, we hadn’t even thought about putting a spare key outside somewhere. (thank goodness for cousins!)  And we realized the room we set aside to be the office, doesn’t have an outlet (yet our closet has 3!!!!).  That’s right, we have an extension cord run into the hall until it cools off enough for Nathan to go into the attic and use his engineering magic.

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The Elephant in the Room

I friend recently reminded me that a blog space should be about life, the good and the bad.  I’ve been avoiding the blog because I didn’t want to address the elephant in the room…so here it goes.

I’ve been a terrible updating the blog this summer.  Originally, I was swamped trying to move and get our house put together and I hadn’t uploaded any pictures of our house because I wanted to get the Mac set up (where all our newer pictures are stored).  Then, just as I thought I had everything put together enough to blog and post pictures of our house, Nathan lost his job.  Yes, the job we moved to Columbia for.  We are devastated.  I guess a big part of me was embarrassed that we moved and bought a house for a job that no longer financially supports us.  But, as I’m learning, stuff happens.  I can’t be embarrassed for something that happened completely out of our control.  Nathan’s last day at Fed. Highways was July 15.  While he hasn’t found a permanent job yet, Nathan was hired part-time at Lowe’s before the end of July.  Is our life in Columbia how we had hoped it would be?  No, not quite.  We’re trying to have faith that God will continue to provide for us.  Just last year God provided in His perfect timing (also known as when we were down to $30 in our bank account).  We both believe that God has a plan for us in Columbia.  After moving here in June, I was able to get a position at Target pharmacy (!), which has been a huge blessing.  How’s this for irony…my first day in the pharmacy was the day Nathan found out about his job.

Silver lining:  At least we both have sweet discounts now–Target & Lowe’s.

So, if I seem distant or discouraged, now you know why.  Please keep us in your prayers.  This is hard.  It’s hard to see this happen to my husband.  It’s definitely teaching us to be humble.  Please pray that we continue to have faith that God will provide.  And pray that Nathan finds a good job soon.  If you have any connections to a civil engineering job in the Columbia area, please let us know.

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